Happy Eid Mubarak/Selamat Idul Fitri to all of our Muslim friends and those celebrating! We’ve actually taken some time off ourselves for our own Ramadan/Lebaran holiday, so we don’t have a full episode for you this week—but we do have outtakes! In this episode we not only let you listen in on some of our more embarrassing & hilarious moments, but we also talk a little bit about how Dialogika started and its initial aspirations, some of the production woes of those early episodes (the struggle’s real, folks), and a few interesting facts about our lovely social media fanbase (thanks, Tony from Menomonie)! We also introduce the lovely podcasting doggie duo Stacie & Simone who, this time, are allowed to be on air! Also, we’re now on YouTube as well!
Finally, we just wanna say a massive thank you to everyone who have supported us behind the scenes and in front of the mic as well as those who’ve continued to listen to our episodes and follow us online! What started out as a project to fill up spare weekends between two friends has blossomed into something truly wonderful & exciting — and we can’t wait to continue bringing the latest and greatest of Dialogika for you guys! Many, many thanks for listening to our flimsy but earnest logic!
Much love,
Swedian & Stephanie