In this episode, we discuss the KPI’s (Indonesian Broadcasting Commission) decision to censor ‘effeminate male behavior’ in television broadcasting as well as blur female body parts in the 2016 Miss Indonesia pageant in the context of yet another attempt by the authorities to control people’s behaviors and feelings on gender and, by extension, the LGBT issue. We dig into the KPI’s history and question what authority they really have as a regulatory body.
We also take a closer look into the patriarchy (THE PATRIARCHY) and how it harms women in very tangible ways — in particular through sex-selective abortion and domestic violence — within a general conversation around toxic masculinity (sprinkling in a bit of James Bond in there too).
Finally, we discussed how feminism can not only help men and women alike but is also not a Western construct, but something for all women of all places & all ages — closing the episode with a deeper look into our new favorite Indonesian feminist icon, H.R. Rasuna Said, as well as other lesser-known-but-equally-awesome Indonesian women throughout history.
Thanks for listening!